Sunday, September 23, 2012


Dear Jake,
     You are an ass. I mean when I asked you to be my date to my ONE prom you said no because you were busy... which I totally get. But you weren't even sorry and that is half of the problem right there. Did you ever think I didn't want to go dateless to my prom? Did you realize I would be MISERABLE all by myself when my friends ditch me. Then you won't dance with me at camp which made me cry so hard I was half way to a full fledged freak out. Next you said you'd come to visit and that you were even talking to your mom about it. Then that NEVER happened. Finally,  I'm staying at a hotel in the city that YOU live in in two weeks and you won't hang out with me there. I get you don't want to be more than fucking (not literally) friends but FRIENDS hang out and you won't even bother doing that. I dreamt of having you as my first boyfriend, my first kiss, maybe even someday losing my virginity to you but you didn't want that so I stopped bothering you about that. Then all I wanted to know was why? You couldn't answer that so I stopped wondering. Now you won't even bother to act like a friend!. Well screw you Jake! Screw you!
